воскресенье, 14 января 2018 г.

Просто с ума можно сойти от того на сколько мы зависим от места, времени и окружения в котором мы все время находимся. Многие любят бросаться обвинениями в лицемерии по отношению к другим. Но не каждый «обвиняемый», в действительности, оказывается двуличным. 
Думаю, каждый в душе согласиться, что  имеет несколько «лиц», то которое проявляется при общении с семьей, самыми близкими друзьями или, например, то которое можно наблюдать при беседе с приятелями из школы или товарищами во дворе, ну и не стоит забывать о том, которое мы «одеваем», когда обращаемся к старшим, будь то преподаватель или соседка Маша из 3 подъезда, которая невзначай следит за тобой и обо всем докладывает своей давней подруге, и по совместительству, твоей любимой бабуле. 
Проблема в том, что люди часто забывают, что эти «лица» не должны быть колоссально различными. А ведь многие, забывая это, так любят попробовать себя в совершенно другой роли, даже если она безумно противоречит их внутреннему миру. Чаще всего это делают по настоящему одинокие, неуверенные в себе люди, те которые видят «идеальные» жизни других и никак не поймут, почему же у них все не так. И нет, они совсем не плохие и негатив в их сторону совершенно противопоказан. Им нужно лишь понимание, человеческая поддержка и любовь, будь то семейная или дружественная. 
А если вы чувствуете сильное влияние «токсичных» людей в вашу сторону просто вычеркните их из жизни - прекратите общение, если вы знаете их лично, или отпишитесь от них во всех социальных сетях, если это 16-ти летняя мега звезда с идеальной внешностью, фигурой, да и в целом, жизнью. Поверьте, что в мире нет идеальных людей или жизней, просто есть такие которые хорошо умеют скрывать свои недостатки и делиться только достоинствами, вот этому, например, у них можно и поучиться. 
Будьте собой, вы индивидуальны и неповторимы, ведь на Земле более 7 миллиардов людей и тем не менее не найдётся не одного похожего на вас, вот что нужно всегда помнить!

It’s insane how much we depend on the place, time and environment, which we surrounded by. Lots of people like to throw accusations of hypocrisy towards others. But not every "accused", in fact, turns out to be two-faced.
I think everyone agrees that we have several "faces", one is manifested when communicating with the family, the closest friends or, for example, another one which can be seen when we talk to our friends from school and don’t forget about one more which we "dress" near the elders, whether it's a teacher or an old neighbor.
The problem is that people often forget that these "faces" shouldn’t be colossally different. But a lot of forget about it and  like to play completely different roles. Really lonely and insecure people do it, those who see the "perfect" lives of others and don’t understand why they don’t have those.

And no, it's not bad people and negative in their direction is completely counter-indicative. All they need is understanding, human support and love.
And if you feel a huge influence of "toxic" people, just erase them from your life - stop to communicate with them or unfollow them on social media.
Listen, there’re no perfect people or lives in the world, just there’re some people, who are really good in hiding of their shortcomings and in sharing of their merits, that's the only thing you can learn from them.
Be yourself, you are an individual and unique person, there’re more than 7 billion people on the Earth but there’s no one like you, that's what you should always to remember!



суббота, 11 марта 2017 г.

                            BLACK IS MY HAPPY COLOR
A lot of people like bright and colorful clothes, what about me? I surely prefer the black one. Black is the perfect color, which looks good in any way and any situation. Black with different colors - good, black with white - better, black with black is literally the best combination. Black is good for school, college, university, work. It's great for weekend, vacation and just for lazy days at home. Try to find some disadvantages, well I'm sure you won't find even one. Black makes you slimmer and elegant. For example, when I dress in black cloth I feel myself more beautiful, confident and happy. So if you don't know what to wear - you should totally wear something black, it will be appropriate in any place and society. So run to buy something black, because it's basic and beautiful. Did I say that its  actual and fashionable in any season, time and even century!




пятница, 24 февраля 2017 г.


Someone ever thought that everything is just only in our heads. The mood, health (I mean, both moral and even physical). If you will throw all the problems from mind, I'm sure, you will love yourself, feel yourself more happy, beautiful and confident. All the standards won't be important for you from that time. I mean, it won't be 'perfect' height, weight, style anymore. From that time you won't compare yourself to others and suffer because of this.
  Remember, if you are another it doesn't mean that you are worse! Each person is unique and unrepeatable. Just throw all the problems and boundaries from your mind and finally be happy! ️
  Remember, if you are another it doesn't mean that you are worse! Each person is unique and unrepeatable. Just throw all the problems and boundaries from your mind and finally be happy! ️



среда, 16 марта 2016 г.

Youth is the most important period of your life.
Youth it’s time when you can do crazy things and make a lot of mistakes, cause it’s right. Youth it’s time when you have a lot of dreams and you are full of energy to improve it. But we don’t understand how this time is important when we are young. The most widespread mistake of youth is that teenagers don’t understand
importance of the moment, while it doesn’t pass and they’re perceive all only in comparison.
Teenagers are always depressive and displeased. They think that the whole world is against them. But it’s not! All problems are only because of wrong attitude to the people and to the world in general. Here’s few types which will make your life much better:

- SMILE! Smile to the world and world will smile to you back.
Because I believe that dreams come true.
LOVE! Love your life because it’s too short to worry because of the trifles.
I think I shouldn’t explain how you can improve it ;)
So BE HAPPY and don’t miss the best years of your life.

пятница, 4 марта 2016 г.


Today was just unreal day, basically nothing interesting happened but it was best day like for a few month. It was rainy whole day, the skies were gray, the sun disappeared but my mood was just as high as paradise. Do you want to know why?  

It’s easy, I found my soulmate. Never thought that someone unrelated will such understand me. This person just read my thoughts, IMPOSSIBLE!
We decided that world is a magical place and life is worth living. If you want something so bad, that’s totally came to your life but you must work for it so hard! Nothing just comes to your life for all you should work and pay. Anyway dreams come true!
  Mostly people just dreaming but they don’t do something for their dream or they stop in a half of their way to successes cause they are losing their believe.
  What about us we’re feeling that we came to this world to create something great and we believe that this spring is perfect for our starting. So wish us luck.



пятница, 22 января 2016 г.

So hi everyone, I want to say that I'm still alive and I still love to write. But because of the exams, the weather, which enters into a terrible depression, I have no mood, no inspiration and even no desire.
  In fact, it's been many days since my last test, but the mood didn't return. When I sat in the snow-covered metropolis under a pile of books, I wanted to come in my hometown, hang out with old friends, go to my old school, walk through the haunts, but reality was like this, I was sitting at home all day and watched TV series.
  Most interesting is that some "philosophical" quotes of famous people saved me. Especially this: "There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure".
  So, I get out only once, and now I am back to my vocal class, which is very important to me, went through my favorite places, and you know that nothing could wipe the smile off my face in that moment, I decided to write a new post after a long time, and I get a lot of inspiration. And I think about returning on YouTube. And the most important thing, I fixed up to meet with my old friends, which I really love.
  So believe in yourself and you won't wait the result for so long, I promise!

воскресенье, 18 октября 2015 г.

                                                                                                         F u l l     L i f e

It's a little bit more than month left since my last post here. I really missed my blog so much. You know too much things happen over this time. I'll tell you a bit about this period of time.
  First of all, this weeks were full of homework and workshops. Last time I had workshop which I was afraid most of all, and you know it's ok. So here's one advice from me. If you work really hard at something be sure all be fine.
  Second event was two weeks ago. I attended IMAX cinema, already even twice, I watched 'Everest' and 'Legend'. And first one was unforgettable. At the end you just obliged to think about some things in life. And how important are love and friendship. Last scene was accompanied by goosebumps. Everyone cried. If you watched it  you will understand what I'm talking about.
  And the last thing I want to tell you is friendship. You know sometimes you're looking for BF and can't find it. And sometimes one person just came one day in your life and you understand that it's your person. Fortunately, I have found this person in my new city. It's really important and close friend for me. It's not 'BFF' it's a member of family, your soulmate - what does real friend mean for me. Close friend it's a person who understand you in any situation and always support you. Familiar?
If yes hold tight such person! And be proud of your close friend.
 xx Beth

- ABOUT LOOK:                                                        - ABOUT LOOK:
                           Blouse: 'Zara'                                                            Hat: 'Bershka'
                                                                                                            Scarf: 'Stradivarius'
                                                                                                            Parka: 'Stradivarius'